The good news is British Columbia is easing some province-wide restrictions, however that doesn’t mean the pandemic is over. We’ll likely see an uptick in infections as more things open up. So with things getting worse before getting better, it makes sense to continue making accommodations for a little while longer.
That means creating enough space around your home so you can live with and interact comfortably with your family and/or work effectively from home.
The best way to do this, is to move all non-essential items into self-storage. For example, seasonal equipment. Many events were cancelled so you were minimally ever--or never able–to make use of it. And, just because things are opening up, you may, personally, still want to avoid gatherings, so it might be best to move it all into self storage and simply look forward to next year.
Changes in employment may also be accommodated by moving some things into storage. For instance, while some people ended up working from home temporarily, others have had it made permanent. With the need to make a home office for good, some decisions have to be made about what you keep in your office, in order to make the best use of your space for the long term.
Others have had to change jobs and may have old files or related things to store away. And others have had the opportunity to start their first business, in which case they need room to store new products and all the necessary accessories.
Storage units are an affordable way to make room in your home. Whether it’s setting aside items from missed opportunities or creating space for a permanent home office. Get unused possessions out of the house and into a safe and secure personal storage unit. You’ll create peace of mind, freedom of movement and a comfortable space to live and work for you and your family.