When you decide to sell your home there are more things than the sale price to consider. You might have to invest in some sprucing up of your home, because when your realtor comes out to take those pictures, you will want your home to look clean and uncluttered. It should only have the items inside that serve to highlight the best assets of your home.
Maybe, the only problem with this picture is that maybe your home rarely looks spotless and uncluttered. So, what to do with all the ‘overflow?’ That's where a self-storage unit can come to the rescue.
By doing a ‘home stage’ you'll be getting your home off the market faster and prices tend to be higher. Chances are there are professional home stagers to do the job, but it's easy enough to do yourself if you have the time and inclination.
The number one rule to home staging is to ensure that your home is clutter free. This is why self-storage is crucial to the process. You still get to live in your home, but many items that may get in the way of a buyer seeing their belongings in your home will have to go. Into the storage unit is where they will end up. If you need them, you can always get them easily, as storage units are located in multiple locations throughout the Vancouver-Burnaby area. With 24-hour surveillance, you know that your belongings are safe and secure while in storage.
It's easy, really easy, to get in over your head with all manner of furniture and other items that can quickly fill up those empty corner spaces. Even your closets will need thinning out. That's why a self-storage unit is the answer to your home staging dreams. Whatever you can live without, store it! You can always use it, sell it, or give it away later.