
How do I find affordable self-storage near my Coquitlam BC home?

August 9th, 2018 in Storage, Local

There are many self-storage locations in Coquitlam. Trying to choose between them can be challenging for even the most experienced consumer. All of them will offer you everything they can to get you to sign the contract and move in. But what is the best way to find storage that is affordable?

Remember that affordable has to include every aspect of the storage experience. The price of the unit isn’t the only thing to consider. With gas prices rising and rising, storage locations that are off the beaten path, or involve far too much driving, might make the location far more expensive than you first budgeted. If the location isn’t protected from the wildlife and the elements, you may be faced with the cost of replacing some of the things you’ve stored.

CoquitlamWhen calculating the price, take into the consideration just what you’re getting for the unit. You may find the cheapest location possible, but when you get there you realize that there is no moving equipment, such as a dolly or elevator, and no security cameras. Is a sore back worth the couple of bucks you’re saving? Would you rather pay a little extra for added security or do you not mind taking the risk?

Finally, are you getting what you are paying for? A cheaper, more affordable unit might be too small for what you need. Or does the location only have larger units so that you’re paying for space that you’re never going to use. Always go and look at the unit before renting anything to make sure that you know you’re getting a good deal.

At Storguard in Coquitlam, we’ve made it easy to find an affordable storage locker in Coquitlam. We have a brand new location, close to all major highways and roads, and we’ve included all the extras. Our units come in all sizes, so you won’t be left with something too small or too big. Check us out or request a quote on your new self-storage locker.

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