
Do I have to quarantine my storage boxes after I bring them home?

May 18th, 2020 in Storage

05-storage.jpegIt appears that all of the recommended precautions and procedures put into place to ensure physical distancing are paying off as BC is succeeding at flattening the curve. That’s good news, but it will still be awhile before we can relax our safeguards. Continuing to protect the well-being of our customers and employees remains of utmost importance to us as we try to avoid a 2nd wave of coronavirus.

We are working hard at providing you the same high level of service you’ve come to expect under these temporary circumstances. As storage units remain free for our guests to access, some of you may be wondering if you should quarantine any boxes you retrieve.  A study from the National Institutes of Health, CDC, UCLA and Princeton University, posted in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that the virus can last up to 3 days on plastic and stainless steel, and up to 24 hrs on cardboard.

In a worst case scenario, if a cardboard box removed from storage, came into contact with the virus, it could live only another 24 hrs on the box. In addition to wiping down the box and thoroughly washing your hands afterward, the safest course would be to leave the box alone for a day before digging into it.

Moving forward, we will remain open with precautions in place to provide safe, secure storage units to our customers. We will also continue to monitor any and all updates from BC health authorities. Thank you again for your patience. We appreciate your business!

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